We are a community bank, founded by people in Southwest Missouri. Being locally owned, we want the cities and towns in which we live and do business to be better because we are here! That's why we're so involved in our communities.
In addition to the thousands of dollars we give every year to local organizations, SMB employees give of their time and talent to countless efforts in our communities. Our 215 employees are encouraged to serve as volunteers and leaders in the organizations we support. Many of our employees are on boards and committees, serving in the local schools, civic clubs, and arts organizations. We feel very strongly that it is our responsibility to make our communities better. We take pride in knowing that we are a true community bank, where all decisions are made right here by people who live, work and play here.
Here are just some of the organizations we support.
- American Cancer Society
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Missouri Chapter
- American Heart Association - Heart Walk
- American Red Cross
- Area Agency on Aging
- Ascent Recovery Agencies
- Aspire
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Bill & Virginia Leffen Center for Autism
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- Breaking the Silence
- Breast Cancer Foundation of the Ozarks
- Bright Futures
- Building Bridges
- Carl Junction Booster Club
- Carthage Economic Development Corporation
- Carthage Humane Society
- Carthage R-9 School Foundation
- Chamber of Commerce – all local chambers
- Children's Center of Southwest Missouri
- Children's Mercy Hospital
- Children's Miracle Network
- Christian Heady Foundation
- Community Support Services
- Connect2Culture
- Creative Learning Alliance
- Crowder College Foundation
- Crowder Industries
- Diamond Schools
- Down Syndrome Group of the Ozarks
- Downtown Joplin Alliance
- FosterAdopt Connect
- Freeman Dialysis Fund
- Freeman Health System
- George A Spiva Center for the Arts
- Habitat for Humanity
- Hearts and Hammers
- Hispanic Connection
- Home Instead Senior Care
- Hope 4 You Breast Cancer Foundation
- Jasper County CASA
- Jasper County Sheltered Facilities
- Jasper County Youth Fair
- Jasper High School
- Joplin Fraternal Order of Police
- Joplin History and Mineral Museum
- Joplin Humane Society
- Joplin Little League Baseball
- Joplin Little Theatre
- Joplin NALA Read
- Joplin Outlaws
- Joplin Parks & Rec
- Joplin Police Department
- Joplin Regional Arts Coalition
- Joplin Regional Community Foundation
- Joplin Regional Partnership
- Joplin R-8 School Foundation
- Joplin Sports Authority
- Joplin Trades Scholarship Foundation
- Joplin Trails Coalition
- KCU Dental Education Center
- KCUMB Medical School
- Kiwanis Club
- Lafayette House
- LifeChoices
- Local school districts
- Loving Grace
- Mercy Hospital Joplin
- Miracle League of Joplin
- Missouri Junior Rodeo Circuit
- Missouri Southern State University
- MO-KAN Dragway
- Neosho Business and Industrial Foundation
- Neosho Exchange Club
- Neosho Habitat for Humanity
- Neosho High School
- Neosho Newton County Library
- New Heights Christian Academy
- Newton County A&M Society
- Newton County Business Development
- Newton County Youth Fair
- Our Veterans First
- Ozarks Trails Council BSA
- ProMusica
- Relay for Life
- Ronald McDonald House of the Four States
- Rotary Club – all local clubs
- Salvation Army
- Shop With A Cop - & ID Kid Program
- Solace House of the Ozarks
- Soroptimist International of Joplin
- Southwest Missouri Young Life
- Spiva Center for the Arts
- The Friends of St. Avips
- Tri-State Area Contractors Association
- United Way of Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas
- Vision Carthage
- Walk to End Alzheimer's
- Watered Gardens Gospel Rescue Mission
- Webb City R-7 Schools Foundation
- Wildcat Glades
- Wreathes Across America
- YMCA – local chapters
- Young Professionals Network