Do you need your account number or routing number for a direct deposit or tax refund? Let us help you find that information.
Routing Number
Our Routing Number is 101203641.
Account Number
To locate your account number:
Access your account in SMB Online — Log into your SMB Online and your account number is listed in account details.
View your account statement — You may view your account number at the top of your electronic or paper statement.
Refer to a check — Your account and routing numbers are found printed at the bottom of your checks and printed deposit slips.

Visit us — If you're unable to access your account number via SMB Online, your account statement, checks or printed deposit slips, please stop by your neighborhood SMB location and we'd be happy to help! As always, you're welcome to call us, but please be aware that, for your protection, we don't provide account numbers over the phone.
Important - Remember to specify the account type as checking or savings. This will ensure a smooth direct deposit.
Do you need a direct deposit form?
Stop by any of our locations or message us within your SMB Online!